Monday, December 18, 2006

8 Weeks

Though I didn’t realize it until a few minutes ago, today marks the end of my 8-week journey (technically the end was last Friday, but who's counting?). I guess it's not exactly the end. There is much more to go, but it marks the end of the 8 chapters in The Creative Call. Another reason I love this book is that it provides a concluding chapter entitled, “An Artist’s Retreat,” which illuminates some methods for reflecting on what the Holy Spirit has wrought in me through the course of these past 8 weeks. Renee and I are going to be in Anacortes between Christmas and New Year’s and we’re going to have plenty of time for quiet and rest, which will provide the perfect opportunity for the retreat Elsheimer writes about.

So, by the time we’re home from Washington, I should have my thoughts organized and some reflections penned and ready for posting, but we’ll see. I make no guarantees :-)

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